FD4Cast model comes with a pre-built Excel ribbon menu. No installation necessary. When you open the model, you will see a custom menu at the top menu of Microsoft Excel. This menu can be used to easily navigate between different sections of FD4Cast model.
Below you can see how it looks like. The ribbon sections are number with short descriptions and links to the relevant sections below.

- INPUTS: BALANCE: In this section the user can input opening trial balance info (for existing companies). They can also unwind TB and related settings.
- INPUTS: INCOME & EXPENSES: In the second section the user can input values for Income and Expense items. Forecasted income, revenue distribution, debtor profiles, variable or fixed costs are all defined at this stage. Here the user also manages the payroll details, salaries and so on.
- INPUTS: ASSETS: The third section is for assets. Your stock, inventory, equipment and all fixed assets are managed here. Also the user can input cash deposit information if needed.
- INPUTS: FINANCE & BS: The fourth section is used to manage how the company is financed. Loans, Leases and Factoring details can be input here. Here is also where you manage Balance Sheet details like InterCo, Equity and other adjustments.
- INPUTS: TAXES: The fifth section is used to define taxes and currency ratios. Any foreseen changes in these parameters can be input until the end of the model year. Note the Model Start Date is set with the Configure Modelbutton on the far right of the ribbon.
- OUTPUTS: STANDARD REPORTS: After populating the input fields, this section gives you the standard financial reports such as P&L, Cash Flow and Balance Sheet. You can also create custom dynamic reports to meet your needs.
- OUTPUTS: MODEL TOOLS: The seventh section contains other tools such as scenario planning, budget creation and tool adjustment features.
Before going in detail on each of these items, we next explain how to use the Admin Sheet and Model Configuration Menu.