One of the most complete and simple to use payroll budgeting tools around. Designed for start-ups, accountants, financial modellers, and finance directors, it aims to take the headache out of trying to correctly forecast what tends to be the biggest cost for any organisation.

With a forecast horizon out to 5 years, the free Payroll Budgeter offers the unparalleled flexibility and familiarity of Excel based forecasting tools, with calculations that reference annual tables updated by the user which contain HMRC rates for PAYE, NI, pension contributions, and the Apprenticeship Levy.

Check out the AccountingWeb article about the tool:

Forecast employee payroll and bonuses: Free payroll budgeting tool

Dividend Voucher Bulk Creator

Whatever your position may be on the matter, producing the paperwork is clearly a hassle – especially if there are multiple dividends declared and multiple shareholders involved in any given financial year. This issue prompted FD4Cast to produce this free Excel tool driven by macros which automates the production of all required paperwork, reducing it to just a few inputs and mouse clicks.

Outputs can be saved as Excel files or PDFs for easy emailing to shareholders, and there are options to produce multiple dividend vouchers on different dates for either a single company shareholder (minimal inputs required), or for multiple shareholders (slightly more inputs required) and different share classes.

Check out the AccountingWeb article about the tool:

Dividend paperwork: Pain-free compliance

Companies House Bulk Query

In this free Companies House bulk query tool, accountants can track filing requirements for all their clients by date last filed and also set tolerance levels for reminders for when filings are next due.

By having all clients listed in a single sheet with the ability to update the status with a single button-click you can see at a glance all upcoming commitments, meaning you never have to miss a filing again and plan your workload and client communication accordingly.

Check out the AccountingWeb article about the tool:

Never miss a client filing deadline

Checksums Module

Checksums are particularly effective for large spreadsheets containing multiple worksheets because they alert users to real-time errors – so if a change to a single input cell produces an error elsewhere in the workbook this will be highlighted immediately.

The solution is based on some VBA code that gives users the ability to add a basic checksums structure and audit sheet (like the one in the screenshot below) to any Excel workbook or financial model of their choice – typically in less than 60 seconds per workbook.

Check out the AccountingWeb article about the tool:

Checksum tool: A simple routine to cure Excel hell


Our partner website provides a wide range of ready-to-use Excel spreadsheet templates. Their collection includes both free and premium tools such as Timesheets, Feasibility Studies, Financial Statements, Small Business Management Templates and many more.

You can visit them here:

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